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Revision as of 08:14, 10 January 2022 by Huebsch (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{FILE|KPOINTS_OPT}} is an optional input file to perform an additional one-shot calculation after convergence. It has the same format as the {{FILE|KPOINTS}} file and is read...")
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KPOINTS_OPT is an optional input file to perform an additional one-shot calculation after convergence. It has the same format as the KPOINTS file and is read automatically when present. VASP first performs a self-consistent calculation using the k points specified in the KPOINTS file and then performs an additional one-shot calculation to obtain the Kohn–Sham (KS) orbitals at the k points specified in the KPOINTS_OPT file.

Important: The KPOINTS file must contain a uniform k mesh, when the KPOINTS_OPT file should be used afterward.

This functionality is convenient for the following use cases among others:

  • compute the band structure in one go,
  • compute optical properties on a denser k mesh,
  • compute the KS orbitals in a specific region of the BZ, e.g., to investigate a band crossing more closely.

The use of the KPOINTS_OPT file can be avoided by setting the LKPOINTS_OPT tag to .FALSE. in the INCAR file. VASP writes the PROCAR_OPT file and corresponding fields in the vaspout.h5 file indicated by the keyword kpoints_opt.

Mind: Available as of VASP 6.3.0.

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