Bandstructure of SrVO3 in GW

From VASP Wiki

Description: the GW bandstructure of SrVO3 using VASP and WANNIER90.

Performing a GW calculation with VASP is a 3-step procedure: a DFT groundstate calculation, a calculation to obtain a number of virtual orbitals, and the actual GW calculation itself. In this example we will also see how the results of the GW calculation may be postprocessed with WANNIER90 to obtain the dispersion of the bands along the usual high symmetry directions in reciprocal space.

The DFT groundstate calculation

Everthing starts with a conventional DFT (in this LDA) groundstate calculation:

System  = SrVO3

EMIN = -20 ; EMAX = 20 ; NEDOS = 1000  # usefull energy range for density of states

EDIFF = 1E-8                           # high precision for groundstate calculation

KPAR = 3

Copy the aforementioned file to INCAR:

Automatically generated mesh
 4 4 4

Mind: this is definitely not dense enough for a high-quality description of SrVO3, but in the interest of speed we will live with it.

3.77706  #taken from 9x9x9 with sigma=0.2 ismear=2
 +1.0000000000  +0.0000000000  +0.0000000000 
 +0.0000000000  +1.0000000000  +0.0000000000 
 +0.0000000000  +0.0000000000  +1.0000000000 
Sr V O
 1 1 3
 +0.0000000000  +0.0000000000  +0.0000000000 
 +0.5000000000  +0.5000000000  +0.5000000000 
 +0.5000000000  +0.5000000000  +0.0000000000 
 +0.5000000000  +0.0000000000  +0.5000000000 
 +0.0000000000  +0.5000000000  +0.5000000000

Analysis of the DOS

Bandstructure using WANNIER90

Obtain DFT virtual orbitals

  • INCAR.DFT.all
System  = SrVO3

EMIN = -20 ; EMAX = 20 ; NEDOS = 1000  # usefull energy range for density of states

ALGO = Exact  ; NELM = 1               # exact diagonalization one step suffices
EDIFF = 1E-8                           # high precision for groundstate calculation
NBANDS = 96                            # need for a lot of bands in GW
LOPTICS = .TRUE.                       # we need d phi/ d k  for GW calculations

KPAR = 3

The GW calculation

Analysis of the DOS

Bandstructure using WANNIER90


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