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LPARD = [logical]
Default: LPARD = .FALSE. 

Description: Determines whether partial (band and/or k-point-decomposed) charge densities are evaluated.

An LPARD run is a postprocessing step that requires a pre-converged calculation. It writes the partial density, or multiple partial charge densities, to one PARCHG file or several PARCHG.*.* files, depending on the setting of LSEPB and LSEPK.

Warning: The orbitals read from the WAVECAR file must be converged in a prior VASP run.
Warning: LPARD is not supported for noncollinear calculations (LNONCOLLINEAR=true).

There are various ways to divide the partial-charge density. You can pick the contributing bands either by index (refer to NBMOD and IBAND) or by energy range (refer to EINT), and select contributing k points through KPUSE.

Mind: If only the LPARD tag is set, without any other tags to specify the separation of charge, then the NBMOD tag defaults to -1. The valence-charge density (without the augmentation charges) is then written to the CHGCAR file, and no other partial-charge output is generated.

Related tags and articles

IBAND, EINT, NBMOD, KPUSE, LSEPB, LSEPK, PARCHG, vaspout.h5, Band-decomposed charge densities

Examples that use this tag