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ML_MODE = [string]
Default: ML_MODE = NONE 

Description: String based tag selecting operation mode for machine learning force fields.

Mind: This tag is only available as of VASP.6.4.0.

This tag acts as a "supertag" and selects the operation mode by selecting the defaults for all other tags. Every tag that is affected by this "supertag" can be overwritten by the user by simply specifying the value for that tag. The following options are available for this tag:

  • ML_MODE = TRAIN or train: On-the-fly training is executed. If no ML_AB file is detected in the calculation folder the training is executed from scratch (ML_ISTART=0). Otherwise if an ML_AB exists a continuation run is executed. (ML_ISTART=1).
  • ML_MODE = SELECT or select: Reselection of the local reference configurations is done for an existing ML_AB file (ML_ISTART=3). NSW=1 is set.
  • ML_MODE = REFIT or refit: Refitting of the force field from an existing ML_AB file using the fast version is executed (ML_ISTART=4 together with ML_LFAST=.TRUE.). NSW=1 is. ML_IALGO_LINREG=4 is set. Furthermore the following flags are set: ML_SIGW0 = 1E-7 ; ML_SIGV0 = 1 ; ML_EPS_LOW = 1E-12
  • ML_MODE = REFITFULL or refitfull: Refitting of the force field from an existing ML_AB file using the full version is executed (ML_ISTART=4). NSW=1 is set. ML_IALGO_LINREG=1 is set
  • ML_MODE = RUN or run: Force field only mode is executed (ML_ISTART=2). This mode requires an ML_FF file.
  • ML_MODE = NONE or none: This tag is not used.

If any option other than the above is chosen or any of them is misspelled (be careful to write everything in upper case or lower case letters) the code will exit with an error.

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