magnetic exchange coupling using the GGA+U method. Switching off the symmetry (ISYM = 0) is often necessary to generate different magnetic configurations. Exercise :...
2 KB (297 words) - 08:48, 11 April 2023
Electronic minimization ENCUT = 450 EDIFF = 1E-5 LORBIT = 11 LREAL = .False. ISYM = -1 NELMIN = 6 LSORBIT = .True. GGA_COMPAT = .FALSE. DOS ISMEAR = -5 Magnetism...
2 KB (264 words) - 08:49, 11 April 2023
precision ENMAX = 400 ! cutoff should be set manually ISMEAR = 0 ; SIGMA = 0.1 ISYM = 0 ! strongly recommended for MD IBRION = 0 ! molecular dynamics NSW =...
2 KB (446 words) - 13:46, 14 November 2019
minimization ENCUT = 450 EDIFF = 1E-7 LORBIT = 11 LREAL = .False. ISTART = 0 ISYM = -1 NELMIN = 6 LSORBIT = .True. LWAVE = .False. LCHARG = .False. DOS ISMEAR...
2 KB (343 words) - 08:48, 11 April 2023
0000000000000000 2 Cartesian 3.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 SYSTEM = Fe dimer ISTART = 0 ISYM = 0 LNONCOLLINEAR = .TRUE. MAGMOM = 0 0 3 0 0 3 VOSKOWN = 1 LORBIT = 11 ...
5 KB (739 words) - 09:01, 14 November 2019
minimization PREC = Accurate ENCUT = 450 EDIFF = 1E-7 LORBIT = 11 LREAL = .False. ISYM = -1 NELMIN = 6 # ICHARG = 11 # LCHARG = .FALSE. # LWAVE = .FALSE. # NBANDS...
3 KB (444 words) - 08:48, 11 April 2023
INCAR SYSTEM = Si O2 GGA = PE ISTART = 1 ICHARG = 0 INIWAV = 1 LREAL = AUTO ISYM = 2 ISPIN = 1 Ionic minimisation NSW = 0 ISIF = 2 IBRION = 2 EDIFFG = -2E-2...
4 KB (456 words) - 13:16, 14 November 2019
INCAR SYSTEM = Al F3 GGA = PE ISTART = 1 ICHARG = 0 INIWAV = 1 LREAL = AUTO ISYM = 2 ISPIN = 1 Ionic minimisation NSW = 0 ISIF = 2 IBRION = 2 EDIFFG = -2E-2...
4 KB (535 words) - 13:15, 14 November 2019
(fall back ALGO = Fast) MAXMIX = 40 # reuse mixer from one MD step to next ISYM = 0 # no symmetry NELMIN = 4 # minimum 4 steps per time step, avoid breaking...
17 KB (2,359 words) - 15:00, 15 April 2022
consecutive BSE calculation should be the same! LOPTICS = .TRUE.; LPEAD = .FALSE. ISYM = -1 OMEGAMAX = 40 Finally the averaging over multiple grids should should...
6 KB (1,027 words) - 13:47, 14 November 2019
ISIF = 2 SMASS = 1.0 SIGMA = 0.1 LREAL = Auto ALGO = VeryFast PREC = Low ISYM = 0 TEBEG = 2000 NSW = 50 POTIM = 3.0 NCORE = 2 To select a molecular dynamics...
14 KB (2,276 words) - 09:43, 14 November 2019
0 Gamma 1 1 1 0 0 0 #Basic parameters ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.1 LREAL = Auto ISYM = -1 NELM = 100 EDIFF = 1E-4 LWAVE = .FALSE. LCHARG = .FALSE. #Parallelization...
25 KB (3,601 words) - 15:13, 15 April 2022