Uploads by Kaltakm

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
08:56, 13 June 2024 CRPA of SrVO3.zip (file) 262 KB Update CRPA tutorial of SrVO3 for vasp-6.4.3 and newer. 1
10:50, 12 June 2024 SrVO3 GW band.zip (file) 530 KB fix currupted file 2
07:24, 21 September 2023 SinglesDiagrams.png (file) 26 KB Feynman Diagrams of Singles contribution to the correlation energy. 1
16:02, 7 April 2022 Crpa method comparison.png (file) 107 KB disentanglement (blue), projector (red) and weighted (green) cRPA Hubbard-Kanamori interaction U 1
07:48, 7 April 2022 Ni d bands decoupled.png (file) 88 KB Disentangled d states (red) of fcc Ni 1
07:38, 7 April 2022 Ni d s bands.png (file) 99 KB d (red) and s (blue) bands of fcc Ni around the Fermi energy 1
07:19, 7 April 2022 SrVO3 t2g bands.png (file) 88 KB t2g states of SrVO3 form an isolated set of bands (red). 1
13:31, 29 July 2019 Chi.png (file) 11 KB The independent particle polarizability can be written as product of two non-interacting Green's function propagating in opposite directions. 1
11:40, 29 July 2019 DMP2.png (file) 8 KB direct MP2 diagram 1
16:07, 24 June 2019 SrVO3 structure.png (file) 319 KB SrVO3 structure (perfect cubic) 1
15:51, 24 June 2019 DOS SrVO3 comparison.png (file) 37 KB Comparison of density of states of SrVO3 for PBE, HSE and GW0. 1